Dear School Administrators,

The Bahamas along with the rest of the world commemorates World AIDS Day (WAD) on December 1 of each year. It has become a major global event that is designed to expand and strengthen the worldwide effort to stop the spread of HIV and AIDS.

We ask for your continued partnership with the National Program in recognizing World AIDS Day allowing the World AIDS Day Message to be read during your school’s weekly to assist in educating on the advancement of HIV/AIDS in the Bahamas. This year the theme is End Inequalities. End AIDS. End Pandemics.

Additionally, if photos are taken during the readings or any special activity related to World AIDS Day, we ask that copies of the photos be emailed to for posting on our Facebook page.

The National HIV/AIDS Programme (NAP) spearheads most of the WAD activities as well as collaborates with many of its partners in doing the same. Please find attached to the email the 2021 World AIDS Day Message and our latest HIV Bahamas statistics.

We are grateful for your consideration and assistance in the fight against HIV and AIDS.


Mr. Keith N. Kemp

Prevention Educator

National AIDS Programmer

Ministry of Health

Direct Line: 242-604-9068

Cell Phone: 242-807-6768