Dear Parents/Guardians:
I hope this letter finds you well. Bahamas Academy is determined to deliver quality Christian education to all of our students. Based on the restrictions that we are presently facing due to COVID protocols we are forced to adopt a hybrid approach. CLICK HERE TO VIEW OUR COVID-19 PROTOCOLS VIDEO. The hybrid approach combines face-to-face with online activities. To ensure that all students receive face-to-face instruction please see the designated days below that your child will be required to attend school physically:
Schedule for the week of April 12-16, 2021
Secondary Division
Grade 7- Monday and Thursday
Grade 8 - Monday and Tuesday
Grade 9-Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Grade 10-Tuesday and Wednesday
Grade 11- Tuesday and Wednesday
Grade 12-Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Elementary Division
Grade 1-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Grade 2- Tuesday and Thursday
Grade 3- Monday and Wednesday
Grade 4-Tuesday and Thursday
Grade 5- Tuesday and Thursday
Grade 6-Monday and Wednesday
All grades will be on the virtual platform on Fridays.
Your child should log onto the online platform on the days when he or she is not attending school as it relates to the physical schedule.
Early Learning Centre
School will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. on Friday.
Please take note of the office hours during the break:
Friday, April 2, 2021-CLOSED
Monday, April 4, 2021-CLOSED
Tuesday-Thursday, April 5-8, 2021- 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
Friday, April 9, 2021-8 a.m.-12 noon
Please ensure that your child is submitting assignments on time.
Check List Before Leaving Home (Questions Parents Should Ask)
- Does my child have a cold, cough, fever, runny nose or trouble breathing?
- If the answer is yes, students should remain at home.
- Does my child have all of his or her materials, laptop or tablet for classes?
- Is there an extra mask in my child’s bag?
- Did I put a bottle of hand sanitizer in my child’s bag?
- Did I give my child supplements?
- Did I give my child a healthy snack and water?
- Did I provide a hot breakfast for my child?
Students should have the following items:
- Proper uniform
- Surgical masks
- Funds to purchase lunch or have a packed lunch. CLICK HERE FOR LUNCH MENU
- A hand sanitizer
Entry of Students onto the Campus
Students in the Secondary Division will enter the building from the western gate. Students in the Elementary Division and ELC will enter the building at the front gate of the Elementary Division.
Upon entry students will be inspected for the following:
- Proper uniform
- Proper haircut and hair styles in accordance with the school’s policy.
- The wearing of a mask that is covering the nose and mouth.
At this point students’ hands will be sanitized with an EPA certified hand sanitizer that contains 70% alcohol and their temperatures will be checked.
Students will be escorted to their class rooms. Each class room will be sanitized and cleaned prior to the students entering the room. Before entering the students will line up by following the social distancing markers on the floor. Desks and chairs combo will be placed three feet apart. facing the same direction.
Teachers will conduct an orientation meeting with the students. In this meeting rules and procedures will be discussed.
- The proper wearing of masks.
- The importance of social distancing
- Hand washing demonstration
- Hygiene practices
- Play time
- Bathroom breaks
- Collection of lunch
- Fire Drill etc.
Play Time and Breaks
Students will not be allowed to use the play equipment but will be allowed to bring toys from home. Students will not be allowed to share toys. Students will be given frequent breaks to remove their masks on the outside to play. Masks will be removed at lunch time also. Students will be carefully supervised.
Each room will be supplied with the following:
- Extra Masks
- Disinfectant Spray
- Hand Sanitizers
- Hand Towels
There are contacts for each parent in our electronic data base system. Additionally, we have hard copy records for each student.
Safety Procedures and Policies
The school is outfitted with cameras. As visitors enter the gates. All visitors are required to sanitize their hands and have their temperatures check. Additionally, visitors are usually given a visitor’s badge. All visitors are required to sign the security book.
If there is a suspected COVID case the following protocol will be closely followed:
- Teachers will call an administrator via cell phone.
- The suspected student will be discreetly asked to leave the room area with the administrator.
- The student’s temperature will be checked and the relevant questions be asked.
- The child’s parent will be called and will be asked to seek the attention of a physician.
- An isolated room at the front of the school is where the sick bay is located. The student will be isolated there until his or her parents collects him or her.
- The school’s secretary will call the parents as it relates to the child’s health.
- If a COVID positive diagnosis is confirmed, the parent will be asked to provide documents from the physician before the child can return to school.
- If a COVID Case is confirmed:
- Contact tracing will begin immediately.
- Students will not move from class to class unless they have options (Secondary School only) so contact tracing should be less work than usual.
- The students and teachers should be notified and the class room will be completely sanitized.
- Students will be asked to leave the room in an orderly fashion and all parents will be contacted for pick up.
- Students will be asked not to return to school for 14 days
Janitorial Care
Janitors and janitress have been trained by the Ministry of Health and another organization.
The custodial staff will be tasked with the following duties:
- Cleaning desks and chairs during the break.
- Spraying and disinfecting the rooms.
- Paying close attention to frequently touched surfaces and ensuring that they are disinfected. (door knobs, light switches and window operators etc.)
- Monitoring the students’ use of the bathroom.
- Cleaning the bathrooms.
- A cleaning company will be responsible to clean and sanitize the campus after hours.
Signs will be placed in strategic places around the campus. Example: Social Distancing, Masks Required for Entry etc.
Amended Physical Education Uniform
Grades 3-12
Students will be required to wear the following on days when they have physical education classes:
Girls- P.E t-shirts, shorts and the uniform skirt should be worn over the shorts, socks and tennis.
Boys- P.E. t-shirts, short and the uniform pants should be worn over the shorts, socks and tennis.
Students in the ELC, grades 1 and 2 will be allowed to wear their t-shirts, shorts, socks and tennis on the days they have physical education classes.
Provision for food and water
Breakfast will be served from 7:45 a.m.-8:30 a.m.-grab and go bags.
Lunch will be sold for a cost of $3:00-$6:00. Students in the Secondary Division can purchase tickets for lunch in the morning.
Students can bring a packed lunch from home.
Elementary and ELC students - orders will be taken and lunches will be delivered to the class rooms.
Secondary school-grab and go bags will be prepared.
Students will be required to bring water from home.
If your child is sick he or she must remain at home.
If you or child has been in contact with a suspected person who may have the coronavirus, please remain at home.
If there is a suspected person in your home who may be infected with the coronavirus, please do not bring your child to school.
Parents will not be allowed to accompany their children to the classroom.
Parents will not be allowed to bring fast food for their children.
School supplies and materials will not be shared.
Arrival and Dismissal Time
Students should arrive to school no later than 8:20 a.m.
Dismissal times will be staggered to avoid traffic congestion and congregating on the campus.
Parents with children in the Elementary and ELC Divisions will be asked to remain in their vehicles. The students will remain in their classes until their parents arrive. The ELC division will be dismissed at 2:00 p.m. Parents will be required to collect their children by 3:30 p.m. on Monday- Thursday and 12:30 p.m. on Fridays. The Elementary Division will be dismissed at 2:50 p.m. Parents will be required to collect their children by 3:05 p.m.
The Secondary Division will be dismissed at 3:00 p.m. Parents will be required to collect their children by 3:15 p.m.
Let us continue to pray for the safety and success of our children. Thank you for supporting Bahamas Academy.